
ID Date Status Title
1 01-01-2021 Accepted Intent for Creation. First Headless LMS
2 01-01-2021 Accepted Going Open Source (MIT)
3 01-01-2021 Accepted Distributed Monolith. Laravel with packagist packages.
4 01-01-2021 Accepted TypeScript Software Deployment Kit
6 01-01-2021 Accepted Continuos Integration based on Github Actions
7 01-01-2021 Accepted Course Structure, topic types and H5P
8 01-01-2021 Accepted MJML Email templates
9 01-01-2021 Accepted Ant Design Pro Admin Panel
10 01-01-2021 Accepted Bespoke Docker Images for Wellms
11 01-01-2021 Accepted CI Auto publishing npm packages to registry
12 01-01-2021 Accepted CI Auto publishing images from github to hub.docker registry
13 01-01-2021 Accepted TRAX Learning Record Store
14 01-01-2021 Accepted Create LMS APP comfortable environment for developers
15 01-01-2021 Accepted TypeScript Models generated from Laravel
16 01-01-2021 Accepted Generate PDF in client browser with Fabric.js objects
17 01-03-2022 Accepted Components Styleguide
18 01-03-2022 Accepted Webinars (Jitsi + Youtube)
19 01-03-2022 Accepted Consultations (Jitsi)
20 01-03-2022 Accepted Integration with Mattermost